Business Planning
  • Assist in setting up your new company
  • Act as part-time corporate counsel
  • Review and draft contracts and other legal documents
  • Provide legal or management opinions as needed

What benefits do the attorneys at Bardy Law bring to the business owner?

As attorneys we understand and can help a business owner manage the contractual relationship between owners, between the company and its employees, or its suppliers, or its customers. In short, we review contracts to proactively eliminate potential lawsuits for the company.

Because of our overall experience, we understand qualified benefits and nonqualified benefits as well as permissible means of compensating owners of various types of business entities.

In addition, we have participated in the complete lifecycle of the business from start up organization; to growth or recovery; to the sale of the business to a new generation or to an outside buyer.

We advise Boards and assist with the decision making part of making a business run. Our experience uniquely qualifies Bardy Law attorneys to assist business owners to realize their dreams.